Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurrican Ike

I am sure you are all wondering about Hurricane Ike getting ready to hit & people being evacuated from Texas:-) So far, so good here in Roanoke. We are 45 minutes from the border of Oklahoma so we are pretty far north. That means no evacuations for us. Today it's actually sunny, which is the first time in 4 days, but starting tomorrow (when Ike's supposed to hit) it's going to be storming like crazy. We are supposed to get 9-12 in. of rain, just tomorrow, so I'm sure it will be a pretty exciting storm. We haven't been told to worry about flooding or anything like that so hopefully we don't need to:-) I will try to keep you updated and I will also try to take pictures too to post!

Love you all! Hope these last posts updated you a little bit on our life:-) (Sorry there wasn't much about David - he's good, busy/stressed/trusting God with work:-), he really likes working with the Jr. High boys at church and has met some friends among the other leaders, tries to golf when he can, I will try to update you more soon)

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